Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Man, life is too damn confusing, or maybe it's just me going crazy, which i really hope so.
People say one thing which makes you think about it then you're second guessing yourself.
You put yourself down because you think you're not good enough for anything, NOT THEM, NOT HER, NOT IT, NOT ANYTHING, but they still try to cheer you up, but because of that it makes you wonder if they care or pity you, or are just trying to make you see what you actuall are. Second guessing could save your life, but it might just cause you to go insane, Do they really accept you as a freind, or a you just someone they use and throw away, do you really care for her, or Are you F*&$ing being obsecive you idiot. NO you're not being obsecive you really do care, but because of you judgement you still keep that one wall up.

See, I am confused, or just crazy

1 comment:

Froggoddess said...

I care. You know that. I will ALWAYS care for you. And so will so many people.
You're good enough for me, Gage. If you think you're not good enough, think again.